In a general sense - even if you're not going to attend the workshop - what do you want to learn about shooting panoramas?
What information do you need? How to shoot them, gear, using software, presenting, printing?
Let me know - specific questions are best. Please use the comments so others can see.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I've always wondered how they make those panoramas in How can they capture so much without cutting moving objects, etc, like if it was a single 360x180 shot.
First, can I show&tell? Gosh it must be 10 years since I made a QTVR. Here is one I did the connects several nodes with directional audio, music/narration. Excuse the quality, I can't recall if I shot the frames with my mini DV camera or if I had to shoot them on film, scan, color correct yadda yadda:
Second, I think if you don't already do it, you should show the value of shooting on a rig vs handheld. Since the new version of Photoshop does such a good job at making pano' it really becoming that easy or are people just fooling themselves and should still be using a VR head on a tripod.
I won't be attending but would appreciate knowing what different camera models offer, how they differ, how they compare. For example, I just noticed that my G10 has a menu item for panoramas that I haven't had a chance to study yet.
I'd also like to know various tips to optimize the images prior to subjecting to Photomerge.
Hi, all:
These are good questions. Keep them coming!
I'm interested in hearing about possibilities for embedded audio accessed through buttons, links that connect panos, flash programming - nice examples of how far VR journalism has already gone.
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